We now offer individually quick-frozen berries: red raspberries, blueberries, Marionberries, and strawberries; and we are again offering quick-frozen pies: apple, cherry, Marionberry and strawberry-rhubarb.
Your orders make it possible for the Emerald Empire Kiwanis Club to provide monetary support and direct community service to many local, statewide, and international programs. Some of the local programs include the Metropolitan Choral Festival, school based health centers, child cancer research at Doernbecher Hospital in Portland, Habitat For Humanity, Key Clubs at area High Schools, Bags of Love, the Eugene Science Center, Meals on Wheels, Mt. Pisgah Arboretum, and many others.
We have now passed the deadline for orders and look forward to delivering!
Remember this delivery date for frozen berries and pies: September 16, 2021. Unclaimed frozen berries and pies will be given, in your name, to FOOD For Lane County. No refunds will be issued for unclaimed berries and pies.